Jul 20, 2009

popping pills

hey humans.
im back here again, cus i can't bear to leave. yeah yeah go on saying about how damn indecisive i am, yada yada. but still, im back here.

after resting for soooo many days at home, im actually eager to go back to school! cus i'm like so damn bored at home, there's absolutely nothing to do 'cept going online, online and still online. i know i might regret saying im eager to go school, but yeah. i'm supposed to have plenty of rest, but it seems like my sleeping hours are still the same, screwed.

i've been thinking. life is really very fragile. let's say, if i really did have the h1n1 virus, and die, what will happen to those around me? like my family members and friends? i still have many tasks yet to accomplish, and many wishes not fulfilled. imagine that.

i don't know why i'm saying all these. it just pop out in my mind suddenly. well anyway, i'm gonna pop the meds and then eat my dinner or something. and have a look at process costing. i'm so lagging behind everything.

ok baiz.

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